The much-anticipated new Star Plus show Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha premiered on September 16, 2024. The first episode introduces viewers to the lives of Meghla, played by Sonakshi Batra, and Ranbir, portrayed by Fahmaan Khan. The show centers around the clash of two different cultures—Meghla comes from a Bengali family, while Ranbir is from a Punjabi background. This cultural contrast sets the stage for the show’s storyline as the two characters begin to interact.
In the first episode, Meghla is shown as a young woman deeply passionate about singing, rooted in Hindustani classical music. Ranbir, on the other hand, is a successful pilot. The episode gives viewers a glimpse into their lives before they meet, building anticipation for how their worlds will collide in the future. Meghla’s family values are a key part of her character, and her simple, traditional lifestyle contrasts sharply with Ranbir’s modern and affluent world.
The initial promos hinted at family tensions and cultural differences, which are expected to become central themes of the show. This cultural clash between the Punjabi and Bengali families is expected to bring drama and excitement as the story progresses.
The show has already generated interest due to its star cast and unique plot, with fans eager to see how the relationship between Meghla and Ranbir develops. Both leads, Fahmaan Khan and Sonakshi Batra, have shared their excitement about their roles, promising an engaging and emotional journey for the characters.