The trailer for the upcoming Marathi thriller Ghaath has been released, offering a glimpse into the intense and suspenseful storyline. Directed and written by Chhatrapal Ninawe, the film stars Jitendra Joshi, Milind Shinde, Suruchi Adarkar, Dhananjay Mandaokar, and Janardan Kadam. Ghaath is set to hit cinemas across Maharashtra on September 27, 2024. The film is produced by Shiladitya Bora under Platoon One and Manish Mundra from Drishyam Films, with co-producers Milapsinh Jadeja, Sanyukta Gupta, and Kunal Kumar. Additional producers include Ashok Mahapatra, Shilpi Agarwal, and Pranav Chaturvedi.