On September 30, 2024, Prem Sargam, a survivor of the infamous Osho Rajneesh cult, brought forward a series of harrowing revelations about her traumatic experiences as a child in the commune. Her story, alongside others, is featured in the new documentary Children of the Cult, which aims to expose the rampant abuse that took place within the Rajneesh commune under the guise of spiritual enlightenment. Her testimony has reignited debates about the darker side of the spiritual movement led by Osho and the legacy it has left behind.
Prem Sargam Osho: A Childhood Lost in the Commune
Prem Sargam’s childhood began in Osho’s commune when her parents, like many others, were drawn to the promise of a new kind of spiritual existence in the late 1970s. The utopian vision presented by Osho attracted followers from across the world, and Prem Sargam was one of the many children who grew up within the commune. However, what seemed to be a haven for free expression and spiritual growth masked a much darker reality for the children living there.
In the documentary, Prem Sargam recounts how the culture within the commune fostered an environment of neglect, allowing abuse to take place behind closed doors. As she described, children were often left unsupervised, subjected to physical and sexual abuse from individuals within the community. Her story is one of resilience, as she continues to confront the trauma that has shaped her life.
Life in Rajneeshpuram: The Commune’s Fall
The Rajneesh commune reached its peak in the 1980s with the establishment of Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, USA. The commune’s followers believed in Osho’s teachings of free love, meditation, and shedding societal constraints. However, the community quickly drew attention for its unconventional practices, with allegations of financial crimes, bioterrorism, and manipulation of local governments. Ma Anand Sheela, Osho’s close aide, was later convicted for orchestrating criminal activities, including an infamous mass poisoning incident.
While these headline-making crimes have been well-documented, Prem Sargam’s story reveals an equally dark, yet often overlooked aspect of life in the commune. As she details in her interview, children like her were not only neglected but also exploited. Her accounts show that the ideology of “free love” was manipulated in horrific ways, turning the commune into a breeding ground for systemic abuse that was largely hidden from public view.
Prem Sargam’s Testimony: A Voice for the Voiceless
For years, Prem Sargam stayed silent about the trauma she experienced in the commune, but with the documentary Children of the Cult, she aims to amplify the voices of others who suffered alongside her. “I want the world to know what happened to me and countless others,” she stated in a recent interview. Her decision to speak out, decades after leaving the commune, is driven by a desire for accountability and healing, not just for herself but for other survivors as well.
In her testimony, Sargam details how the children were often treated as afterthoughts in a community that prioritized the spiritual awakening of its adult members. Children were often left unsupervised or in the care of individuals who abused their positions of power. For Prem Sargam, this environment led to years of trauma that she continues to work through.
The Legal and Social Legacy of the Rajneesh Commune
Despite the eventual collapse of Rajneeshpuram and the exile of Osho, the legacy of the commune persists. Osho’s teachings still attract followers around the world, but Prem Sargam’s testimony is a reminder of the darker reality that many former members experienced. The legal system at the time focused on the more publicized crimes of the commune, such as bioterrorism and financial fraud, but the abuse of children like Prem Sargam was largely overlooked.
In recent years, there has been a growing call for a deeper investigation into the abuses that occurred in the Rajneesh commune, particularly as more survivors come forward. Prem Sargam hopes that her testimony will spark a new wave of accountability and justice for those who were silenced for so long.
Healing and Moving Forward
Today, Prem Sargam continues her journey of healing. Her willingness to speak out about her trauma is part of a larger effort to raise awareness about the lasting impact of abuse in spiritual communities. Her story, along with those of other survivors, serves as a powerful reminder of the need for vigilance and accountability in all spiritual movements.
As Prem Sargam moves forward, she continues to advocate for the survivors of the commune, ensuring that their voices are heard and their stories are told. Her bravery in coming forward has already begun to shed light on the darker aspects of the Rajneesh movement, sparking conversations about spiritual exploitation and the abuse of power within such communities.
With more survivors finding the courage to share their stories, Prem Sargam’s testimony is just the beginning of what many hope will be a long-overdue reckoning for those responsible for the crimes committed in the name of spiritual enlightenment.