“Pukaar – Dil Se Dil Tak,” a daily soap on Sony TV, has been a heart-wrenching tale of love, separation, and redemption. The show follows a mother and her two daughters, torn apart by an evil plot. Despite having a strong storyline and an ensemble cast including Sayli Salunkhe, Abhishek Nigam, and Anushka Merchande, the show struggled to attract high viewership, leading to its eventual cancellation.
Reason for Cancellation
The primary reason for the show going off-air is its low TRP (Television Rating Points). While the cast and the performances were appreciated, the show could not compete with other programs in the highly competitive television landscape. According to multiple sources, the show’s ratings were disappointing, scoring only around 0.1 TRP points, far below the industry standard. Sony TV had to make the difficult decision to pull the plug on the series.
Final Episode Date and What to Expect
The last episode of “Pukaar – Dil Se Dil Tak” is scheduled to air on September 27, 2024. Fans can expect emotional and dramatic closure, where all the loose ends of the plot, including the reunion of the separated family and the resolution of their struggles, will be tied up. Given the show’s focus on deep emotional bonds and family dynamics, the final episode is anticipated to offer a poignant conclusion to the journey of its characters.
Shift to OTT Platforms
While the show will no longer air on television, Sony TV has opted to continue showcasing “Pukaar – Dil Se Dil Tak” on its OTT platform, SonyLIV. This shift reflects the network’s broader strategy of transitioning low-performing shows to digital platforms, where niche audiences can continue watching them.
Behind the Scenes: Cast and Crew’s Reaction
The cast recently wrapped up filming, marking the end of their journey with the show. Sources indicate that the cast, including Sayli Salunkhe and Abhishek Nigam, have expressed mixed emotions. While proud of their work, they also feel disappointed that the show couldn’t secure higher ratings. The team has conveyed their gratitude to the loyal viewers who stuck with the story despite its early struggles on television.
Impact on Sony TV’s Programming
The decision to cancel “Pukaar – Dil Se Dil Tak” is part of a larger revamp at Sony TV, where several low-performing shows, including Jubilee Talkies, are being evaluated for similar fates. Sony TV aims to strengthen its prime-time lineup with higher TRP-generating shows, and has announced plans to reintroduce more popular reruns like Mere Sai and Shrimad Ramayan to attract a broader audience.
Fan Reactions and Legacy
Fans of the show, while disappointed by its cancellation, have taken to social media to express their fondness for the unique storyline and commendable performances by the lead actors. Though the show failed to capture a large television audience, it did garner a small but loyal fan base, who will now have to turn to SonyLIV for closure.
In summary, Pukaar – Dil Se Dil Tak will air its final episode on September 27, 2024, marking the end of its journey on television due to low TRPs. However, fans can continue to watch the show on SonyLIV, where it will remain available for streaming.