Ram Bharosey movie is a Gujarati language film which has been released in theaters on Friday, 19 July 2024. The film’s opening day box office collection saw a box office collection of two lakh rupees, while if seen, the film’s total box office collection within 5 days is 14 lakh rupees. Let us tell you that the film has been directed by the director of the film Vishal Vada Vala.
And the main star cast of this film includes excellent acting by Dhairya Thakkar (Actor), Reeva Rachh (Kesar), Nilesh Parmar (Actor), Jagjeetsinh Vadher (Actor), Morli Patel (Actor), Ekta Dangar (Actor), Maulik Nayak (Actor). Here we are going to provide a complete analysis of the film’s box office collection, hit and flop and their budget.
Ram Bharosey budget
The film has been made by investing about one crore rupees in the budget of Ram Bharosey movie, where But the budget of the film is quite huge and if seen, then almost a major part of the budget of this film has been spent on the star cast fees and production house expenses, advertising and printing.
It is seen that the Gujarati language film is an original language film and a lot of people were very eager to see it. For now, this film can prove to be a good performer for you.
Ram Bharosey box office colletion
Day | Gujarati Net Box Office Collection |
Day 1 | ₹0.02 Crore |
Day 2 | ₹0.04 Crore |
Day 3 | ₹0.04 Crore |
Day 4 | ₹0.01 Crore |
Day 5 | ₹0.02 Crore |
Total Collection | ₹0.13 Crore |
Verdict | None |
Worldwide | India Net | India Gross | Overseas | Verdict |
₹ 0.14 Cr | ₹ 0.13 Cr | ₹ 0.14 Cr | – | None |
hit or flop
Ram Bharosey movie needs to do a box office collection of more than one crore to be a hit in the cinema hall, where the film has so far earned only 0.14 crores on the worldwide gross box office collection, in this way this film is a complete flop movie because a very big drop is seen in its fifth day box office collection as well
Well, if seen, it has completed earning 0.13 crores on India Net Collection and 14 lakh rupees earning has been completed on India Gross Box Office Collection, in this way the box office collection of the film is also very good
about movie
The name of the movie is Ram Bharosey which is a comedy drama romantic film, the running time of this film is 2 hours 5 minutes, which is a Gujarati language film, let us tell you that you get to watch this movie with 2D cinema and this film is mainly a Gujarati language film, which many people were eager to watch, the director of the film is Vishal Vada The film has been directed by Vala.
The film has been produced by Maltiben Dave, Tejal Rawal, Ketan Rawal, Ajit Joshi, Manish Paras Jain. The main star cast of this film includes Dhairya Thakkar (Actor), Reeva Rachh (Kesar), Nilesh Parmar (Actor), Jagjeetsinh Vadher (Actor), Morli Patel (Actor), Ekta Dangar (Actor), Maulik Nayak (Actor). Let us tell you that the film is very good, which you can definitely watch once.
read more: vishay hard movie box office collection, budget, hit or flop; Marathi Comedy Drama Film & Details
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