Thalapathy Vijay’s most awaited film coming in 2024 is going to be seen. The date has been fixed to release the film in the cinema on Friday, 5 September 2024 and its advance booking has also started. Let us tell you that the film has been made by investing about Rs 400 crore in the budget of the film, which is a film based on a very good story. If we check the previous record of Vijay Thalapathy, he has provided many superhit and blockbuster films to the cinema, due to which his fan following is very high. However, in this film, his double role is going to be seen and how much fees he has got for working in this film and how much has each star cast got. All the information is going to be provided.
The Greatest of All Time Cast Salary
Actor/Actress | Role | Reported Salary |
Thalapathy Vijay | Double role (father and son) | ₹200 crores |
Prashanth | Important role | ₹75 lakhs |
Prabhu Deva | Choreographer/Actor/Director | ₹2 crores |
Jayaram | Versatile role | ₹50 lakhs |
Sneha | Important role | ₹30 lakhs |
Mohan | Important role | ₹40 lakhs |
Ajmal Ameer | Important role | ₹50 lakhs |
Thalapathy Vijay
Thalapathy Vijay has received 200 crore rupees as salary for acting in The Greatest of All Time movie, in which he has played the role of father and son in the film. According to Wikipedia report, after receiving such a huge amount for working in a film, he has become the highest paid actor of India.
Prashanth’s important role is going to be seen in The Greatest of All Time film, for which he has received 75 lakh rupees and he will get to see an important role in this film.
Prabhu Deva
Prabhu Deva, who is one of the most famous directors, actors and artists, has received a salary of 2 crore rupees for working in this film, which he is also considered one of the most famous dancers, although he has a very important role in the film.
Jayaram’s acting has been seen mostly in Malayalam films, but in between he has also appeared in Tamil and Telugu language films. He has been seen, although his important role is going to be seen in The Greatest of All Time movie, for which he has received 50 lakh rupees as salary.
You will also get to see an important role of Sneha in The Greatest of All Time movie, for which he has received a salary of 30 lakh rupees for doing excellent work in this film.
Mohan is very famous as a Tamil and Telugu film actor, his important role is seen in this film, for which he has received 40 lakh rupees, although his first film was released with the name Kokila and he was also known as Kokila Mohan.
Ajmal Ameer
Ajmal Ameer is going to get to see an important role in The Greatest of All Time movie, for which he has been provided 50 lakh rupees, although the movie is very good which you can definitely watch with ease.
The Greatest of All Time movie Vijay release date
The Greatest of All Time movie will be released in theaters on 5 September 2024, the advance booking of which has already started, although the film has been directed by the director of the film Venkat Prabhu, which has been confirmed that if you want to book tickets online for the wedding, then you can do it easily, which will be available to watch on platforms like and
highest-paid actor of all time forbes
There are a lot of big actors to be seen in Indian cinema, but let us tell you that recently Vijay Thalapathy has received 200 crores rupees for working in his upcoming movie The Greatest of All Time which is going to be released on 5th September. This is a very big amount. He has become the highest paid actor of India and at this time there is no one else to compete with him because he has charged a very huge amount to work in the film.
GOAT movie budget
According to the report, the budget of The Greatest of All Time movie has been made by investing about 400 crores rupees because about 210 crores rupees have been spent on the star cast fees and apart from this, production house expenses and many other types of expenses are also included, such as advertising and printing. The film has the feel of an excellent action drama thriller which will attract more and more people towards itself.