Vaazha movie which is based on biography, which has been released in cinema on 15th August 2024 or the film is a comedy drama film in Malayalam language, whose budget is around 7 to 5 crores rupees, it is seen there that the first day box office collection of the film is expected to earn between one to one and a half crore rupees and it is seen that the
film has been released today in Malayalam language, in which comedy drama is full of movies, whose writing you get to see and let me tell you that the film has been released in today’s format and excellent acting has also been done by Kushal in the film.
Vaazha – Biopic of a Billion Boys 1 Day Box Office Collection
Day | India Net Collection |
Day 1 [1st Thursday] | ₹ 1.3 Cr |
Total | ₹ 1.3 Cr |
If we talk about the box office collection of Vaazha movie, then it is seen that the film has been released in the theaters today and as soon as it was released in the cinema, the film performed well and was seen attracting the attention of the people very fast. It is seen that the first day box office collection of the film has been seen earning between ₹ 1.3 Cr and the total India net collection of the film is one point 50 crore rupees.
- India Net Collection ₹ 1.3 Cr
- Worldwide Collection ₹ 2 Cr
- Overseas Collection ₹ 0.5 Cr
- India Gross Collection ₹ 1.5 Cr
Vaazha movie budget
If we talk about the budget of the recently released Vaazha movie, then the budget has been set between about 5 to 7 crore rupees, which is a Malayalam language medium film, whose budget is not much but a good budget is available to see, which has been released in cinema on 15 August 2024 and after seeing which the viewers are also attracted towards the film very fast. The story of the film is available to see on biography. will go
The name of the movie is Vaazha which has been released in cinema on 15 August 2024 in which you get to see this middle film based on biography which is a Malayalam language film which is full of comedy drama
The movie cast Jagadeesh, Azees Nedumangad, Siju Sunny, Joemon Jyothir, Hashir H, Saaf Boi, Kottayam Nazeer, Noby Marcose, Amith Mohan Rajeshwari have done excellent acting and it is seen that the film has been directed by Anand Menen and the producer of the film is Kushal and the writer of the film is also Vipin Das, Harris Desom, Anish P. B., Adarsh Narayan and it is seen that the film has been released in 2D format